IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: methyltetrahydroprotoberberine 14-monooxygenase

Accepted name: methyltetrahydroprotoberberine 14-monooxygenase

Reaction: (1) (S)-cis-N-methylcanadine + [reduced NADPH—hemoprotein reductase] + O2 = allocryptopine + [oxidized NADPH—hemoprotein reductase] + H2O
(2) (S)-cis-N-methylstylopine + [reduced NADPH—hemoprotein reductase] + O2 = protopine + [oxidized NADPH—hemoprotein reductase] + H2O

For diagram of reaction, click here or click here

Other name(s): methyltetrahydroprotoberberine 14-hydroxylase; (S)-cis-N-methyltetrahydroberberine 14-monooxygenase; (S)-cis-N-methyltetrahydroprotoberberine-14-hydroxylase; CYP82N4 (gene name); (S)-N-methylcanadine,[reduced NADPH—hemoprotein reductase]:oxygen oxidoreductase (14-hydroxylating); (S)-cis-N-methylstylopine 14-hydroxylase

Systematic name: (S)-cis-N-methylcanadine,[reduced NADPH—hemoprotein reductase]:oxygen oxidoreductase (14-hydroxylating)

Comments: A cytochrome P-450 (heme-thiolate) protein involved in the biosynthesis of isoquinoline alkaloids in plants. It also hydroxylates (S)-cis-N-methyltetrahydrothalifendine, and (S)-cis-N-methyltetrahydropalmatine.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number: 113478-42-5


1. Rueffer, M. and Zenk, M.H. Enzymatic formation of protopines by a microsomal cytochrome-P-450 system of Corydalis vaginans. Tetrahedron Lett. 28 (1987) 5307-5310.

2. Beaudoin, G.A. and Facchini, P.J. Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding (S)-cis-N-methylstylopine 14-hydroxylase from opium poppy, a key enzyme in sanguinarine biosynthesis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 431 (2013) 597-603. [PMID: 23313486]

[EC created 1990 as EC, transferred 2018 to EC, modified 2023]

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