Reaction: 3-dehydro-2,22-dideoxyecdysone + O2 + 2 reduced adrenodoxin + 2 H+ = 3-dehydro-2-deoxyecdysone + H2O + 2 oxidized adrenodoxin
Other name(s): CYP302A1; Disembodied; dib (gene name)
Systematic name: 3-dehydro-2,22-dideoxyecdysone,reduced adrenodoxin:oxygen oxidoreductase (22-hydroxylating)
Comments: This cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase catalyses the second of three sequential hydroxylation reactions that occur during the biosynthesis of 20-hydroxyecdysone, the major molting hormone of arthropods. The enzyme also acts on 3-dehydro-2,22,25-deoxyecdysone and 2,22-dideoxyecdysone.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:
1. Rewitz, K.F., Rybczynski, R., Warren, J.T. and Gilbert, L.I. Identification, characterization and developmental expression of Halloween genes encoding P450 enzymes mediating ecdysone biosynthesis in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 36 (2006) 188-199. [PMID: 16503480]
2. Rewitz, K.F., O'Connor, M.B. and Gilbert, L.I. Molecular evolution of the insect Halloween family of cytochrome P450s: phylogeny, gene organization and functional conservation. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 37 (2007) 741-753. [PMID: 17628274]