IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: geranylgeranyl diphosphate reductase

Reaction: phytyl diphosphate + 3 NADP+ = geranylgeranyl diphosphate + 3 NADPH + 3 H+

For diagram click here.

Other name(s): geranylgeranyl reductase; CHL P

Systematic name: geranylgeranyl-diphosphate:NADP+ oxidoreductase

Comments: This enzyme also acts on geranylgeranyl-chlorophyll a. The reaction occurs in three steps. Which order the three double bonds are reduced is not known.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, CAS registry number:


1. Soll, J., Schultz, G., Rüdiger, W. and Benz, J. Hydrogenation of geranylgeraniol: two pathways exist in spinach chloroplasts. Plant Physiol. 71 (1983) 849-854. [PMID: 16662918]

2. Tanaka, R., Oster, U., Kruse, E., Rüdiger, W. and Grimm, B. Reduced activity of geranylgeranyl reductase leads to loss of chlorophyll and tocopherol and to partially geranylgeranylated chlorophyll in transgenic tobacco plants expressing antisense RNA for geranylgeranyl reductase Plant Physiol. 120 (1999) 695-704. [PMID: 10398704]

3. Keller, Y., Bouvier, F., d'Harlingue, A. and Camara, B. Metabolic compartmentation of plastid prenyllipid biosynthesis - evidence for the involvement of a multifunctional geranylgeranyl reductase. Eur. J. Biochem. 251 (1998) 413-417. [PMID: 9492312]

[EC created 2009]

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