Reaction: [xanthine dehydrogenase] + glutathione disulfide = [xanthine oxidase] + 2 glutathione
Other name(s): [xanthine-dehydrogenase]:oxidized-glutathione S-oxidoreductase; enzyme-thiol transhydrogenase (oxidized-glutathione); glutathione-dependent thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase; thiol:disulphide oxidoreductase
Systematic name: [xanthine-dehydrogenase]:glutathione-disulfide S-oxidoreductase
Comments: Converts EC xanthine dehydrogenase into EC xanthine oxidase in the presence of glutathione disulfide; also reduces the disulfide bond of ricin. Not inhibited by Cu2+ or thiol reagents.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, CAS registry number: 85030-79-1
1. Battelli, M.G. and Lorenzoni, E. Purification and properties of a new glutathione-dependent thiol:disulphide oxidoreductase from rat liver. Biochem. J. 207 (1982) 133-138. [PMID: 6960894]