IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: lyso-ornithine lipid O-acyltransferase

Reaction: a lyso-ornithine lipid + an acyl-[acyl-carrier protein] = an ornithine lipid + a holo-[acyl-carrier protein]

Glossary: a lyso-ornithine lipid = an Nα-[(3R)-3-hydroxyacyl]-L-ornithine
an ornithine lipid = an Nα-[(3R)-3-(acyloxy)acyl]-L-ornithine

Other name(s): olsA (gene name)

Systematic name: Nα-[(3R)-hydroxy-acyl]-L-ornithine O-acyltransferase

Comments: This bacterial enzyme catalyses the second step in the formation of ornithine lipids.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:


1. Weissenmayer, B., Gao, J.L., Lopez-Lara, I.M. and Geiger, O. Identification of a gene required for the biosynthesis of ornithine-derived lipids. Mol. Microbiol. 45 (2002) 721-733. [PMID: 12139618]

2. Aygun-Sunar, S., Bilaloglu, R., Goldfine, H. and Daldal, F. Rhodobacter capsulatus OlsA is a bifunctional enzyme active in both ornithine lipid and phosphatidic acid biosynthesis. J. Bacteriol. 189 (2007) 8564-8574. [PMID: 17921310]

3. Lewenza, S., Falsafi, R., Bains, M., Rohs, P., Stupak, J., Sprott, G.D. and Hancock, R.E. The olsA gene mediates the synthesis of an ornithine lipid in Pseudomonas aeruginosa during growth under phosphate-limiting conditions, but is not involved in antimicrobial peptide susceptibility. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 320 (2011) 95-102. [PMID: 21535098]

[EC created 2018]

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