IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: akuammiline synthase

Reaction: acetyl-CoA + rhazimol = CoA + akuammiline

For diagram of reaction click here

Other name(s): AsAKS1; AsAKS2

Systematic name: acetyl-CoA:rhazimol O-acetyltransferase

Comments: Isolated from the plant Alstonia scholaris (blackboard tree).

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:


1. Wang, Z., Xiao, Y., Wu, S., Chen, J., Li, A. and Tatsis, E.C. Deciphering and reprogramming the cyclization regioselectivity in bifurcation of indole alkaloid biosynthesis. Chem. Sci. 13 (2022) 12389-12395. [PMID: 36349266]

[EC created 2024]

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