IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: long-chain acyl-[acp]:L-phenylalanine N-acyltransferase

Reaction: 11-methyldodecanoyl-[acp] + L-phenylalanine = [acp] + N-(11-methyldodecanoyl)-L-phenylalanine

Other name(s): N-acyl amino acid synthase A; nasA (gene name)

Systematic name: long-chain acyl-[acp]:L-phenylalanine N-acyltransferase

Comments: The enzyme, characterized from an environmental DNA sample and expressed in Paraburkholderia graminis, catalyses the transfer of linear and branched long-chain acyl-[acp] molecules to L-phenylalanine, forming N-acyl-L-phenylalanine molecules.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:


1. Craig, J.W., Chang, F.Y., Kim, J.H., Obiajulu, S.C. and Brady, S.F. Expanding small-molecule functional metagenomics through parallel screening of broad-host-range cosmid environmental DNA libraries in diverse proteobacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76 (2010) 1633-1641. [PMID: 20081001]

2. Craig, J.W. and Brady, S.F. Discovery of a metagenome-derived enzyme that produces branched-chain acyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)s from branched-chain α-keto acids. Chembiochem 12 (2011) 1849-1853. [PMID: 21714057]

[EC created 2024]

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