Reaction: UDP-glucose + a sterol = UDP + a sterol 3-β-D-glucoside
Other name(s): UDPG:sterol glucosyltransferase; UDP-glucose-sterol β-glucosyltransferase; sterol:UDPG glucosyltransferase; UDPG-SGTase; uridine diphosphoglucose-poriferasterol glucosyltransferase; uridine diphosphoglucose-sterol glucosyltransferase; sterol glucosyltransferase; sterol-β-D-glucosyltransferase; UDP-glucose-sterol glucosyltransferase
Systematic name: UDP-glucose:sterol 3-O-β-D-glucosyltransferase
Comments: Not identical with EC (nuatigenin 3β-glucosyltransferase) or EC (sarsapogenin 3β-glucosyltransferase).
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 123940-38-5 and 9075-00-7
1. Duperon, R. and Duperon, P. Intracellular-localization of UDP-glucose-sterol glucosyl transferase and UDP-galactose-sterol galactosyl transferase activities in the leaves of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L, Solanaceae). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. 3 304 (1987) 235-238.
2. Kalinowska, M. and Wojciechowski, Z.A. Enzymatic-synthesis of nuatigenin 3-β-D-glucoside in oat (Avena sativa) leaves. Phytochemistry 25 (1986) 2525-2529.
3. Kalinowska, M. and Wojciechowski, Z.A. Subcellular-localization of UDPG-nuatigenin glucosyltransferase in oat leaves. Phytochemistry 26 (1987) 353-357.
4. Murakami-Murofushi, K. and Ohta, J. Expression of UDP-glucose: poriferasterol glucosyltransferase in the process of differentiation of a true slime mold, Physarum polycephalum. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 992 (1989) 412-415. [PMID: 2528379]
5. Wojciechowski, Z.A., Zimowski, J. and Tyski, S. Enzymatic synthesis of steryl 3β-D-monoglucosides in the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. Phytochemistry 16 (1977) 911-914.