IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: L-demethylnoviosyl transferase

Reaction: dTDP-4-O-demethyl-β-L-noviose + novobiocic acid = dTDP + demethyldecarbamoyl novobiocin

For diagram of reaction click here.

Glossary: novobiocic acid = N-(2,7-dihydroxy-8-methyl-4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl)-4-hydroxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)benzamide
dTDP-4-O-demethyl-β-L-noviose = dTDP-6-deoxy-5-methyl-β-L-altropyranose = dTDP-(2S,3R,4R,5R)-6,6-dimethyltetrahydro-2H-pyran-2,3,4,5-tetraol
demethyldecarbamoyl novobiocin = N-{7-[(6-deoxy-5-methyl-β-D-gulopyranosyl)oxy]-4-hydroxy-8-methyl-2-oxo-2H-chromen-3-yl}-4-hydroxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)benzamide

Other name(s): novM (gene name); dTDP-β-L-noviose:novobiocic acid 7-O-noviosyltransferase; L-noviosyl transferase

Systematic name: dTDP-4-O-demethyl-β-L-noviose:novobiocic acid 7-O-[4-O-demethyl-L-noviosyl]transferase

Comments: The enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of the aminocoumarin antibiotic, novobiocin.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:


1. Freel Meyers, C.L., Oberthur, M., Anderson, J.W., Kahne, D. and Walsh, C.T. Initial characterization of novobiocic acid noviosyl transferase activity of NovM in biosynthesis of the antibiotic novobiocin. Biochemistry 42 (2003) 4179-4189. [PMID: 12680772]

2. Albermann, C., Soriano, A., Jiang, J., Vollmer, H., Biggins, J.B., Barton, W.A., Lesniak, J., Nikolov, D.B. and Thorson, J.S. Substrate specificity of NovM: implications for novobiocin biosynthesis and glycorandomization. Org. Lett. 5 (2003) 933-936. [PMID: 12633109]

[EC created 2013, modified 2016]

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