IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: (Kdo)-lipid IVA 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase

Reaction: CMP-β-Kdo + an α-Kdo-(2→6)-[lipid IVA] = CMP + an α-Kdo-(2→4)-α-Kdo-(2→6)-[lipid IVA]

For diagram of reaction click here

Glossary: CMP-β-Kdo = CMP-3-deoxy-β-D-manno-oct-2-ulopyranosylonate
a lipid IVA = 2-deoxy-2-{[(3R)-3-hydroxyacyl]amino}-3-O-[(3R)-3-hydroxyacyl]-4-O-phospho-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-2-deoxy-3-O-[(3R)-3-hydroxyacyl]-2-{[(3R)-3-hydroxyacyl]amino}-1-O-phospho-α-D-glucopyranose

Other name(s): waaA (gene name); kdtA (gene name); 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid transferase; 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonic acid transferase; (KDO)-lipid IVA 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase; CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonate:(Kdo)-lipid IVA 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonate transferase; Kdo transferase (ambiguous)

Systematic name: CMP-3-deoxy-β-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonate:α-Kdo-(2→6)-[lipid IVA] 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonate transferase (configuration-inverting)

Comments: The enzyme from Escherichia coli is bifunctional and transfers two 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonate residues to lipid IVA (cf. EC [lipid IVA 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase]) [1]. The enzymes from Chlamydia transfer three or more 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonate residues and generate genus-specific epitopes [2].

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:


1. Belunis, C.J. and Raetz, C.R. Biosynthesis of endotoxins. Purification and catalytic properties of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase from Escherichia coli, J. Biol. Chem. 267 (1992) 9988-9997. [PMID: 1577828]

2. Lobau, S., Mamat, U., Brabetz, W. and Brade, H. Molecular cloning, sequence analysis, and functional characterization of the lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic gene kdtA encoding 3-deoxy-α-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase of Chlamydia pneumoniae strain TW-183. Mol. Microbiol. 18 (1995) 391-399. [PMID: 8748024]

3. Schmidt, H., Hansen, G., Singh, S., Hanuszkiewicz, A., Lindner, B., Fukase, K., Woodard, R.W., Holst, O., Hilgenfeld, R., Mamat, U. and Mesters, J.R. Structural and mechanistic analysis of the membrane-embedded glycosyltransferase WaaA required for lipopolysaccharide synthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109 (2012) 6253-6258. [PMID: 22474366]

[EC created 2010, modified 2011, modified 2021]

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