IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase

Reaction: all-trans-polyprenyl diphosphate + 4-hydroxybenzoate = 4-hydroxy-3-(all-trans-polyprenyl)benzoate + diphosphate

For diagram of reaction click here.

Other name(s): nonaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate transferase; 4-hydroxybenzoate transferase; p-hydroxybenzoate dimethylallyltransferase; p-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase; p-hydroxybenzoic acid-polyprenyl transferase; p-hydroxybenzoic-polyprenyl transferase; 4-hydroxybenzoate nonaprenyltransferase

Systematic name: all-trans-polyprenyl-diphosphate:4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase

Comments: This enzyme, involved in the biosynthesis of ubiquinone, attaches a polyprenyl side chain to a 4-hydroxybenzoate ring, producing the first ubiquinone intermediate that is membrane bound. The number of isoprenoid subunits in the side chain varies in different species. The enzyme does not have any specificity concerning the length of the polyprenyl tail, and accepts tails of various lengths with similar efficiency [2,4,5].

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, CAS registry number: 9030-77-7


1. Kalén, A., Appelkvist, E.-L., Chojnacki, T. and Dallner, G. Nonaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate transferase, an enzyme involved in ubiquinone biosynthesis, in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi system of rat liver. J. Biol. Chem. 265 (1990) 1158-1164. [PMID: 2295606]

2. Melzer, M. and Heide, L. Characterization of polyprenyldiphosphate: 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase from Escherichia coli. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1212 (1994) 93-102. [PMID: 8155731]

3. Okada, K., Ohara, K., Yazaki, K., Nozaki, K., Uchida, N., Kawamukai, M., Nojiri, H. and Yamane, H. The AtPPT1 gene encoding 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyl diphosphate transferase in ubiquinone biosynthesis is required for embryo development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol. Biol. 55 (2004) 567-577. [PMID: 15604701]

4. Forsgren, M., Attersand, A., Lake, S., Grunler, J., Swiezewska, E., Dallner, G. and Climent, I. Isolation and functional expression of human COQ2, a gene encoding a polyprenyl transferase involved in the synthesis of CoQ. Biochem. J. 382 (2004) 519-526. [PMID: 15153069]

5. Tran, U.C. and Clarke, C.F. Endogenous synthesis of coenzyme Q in eukaryotes. Mitochondrion 7 Suppl (2007) S62-S71. [PMID: 17482885]

[EC created 1992, modified 2010]

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