Reaction: 4-methylpentanoyl-CoA + (R)-2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoate = 4-methylpentanoate + (R)-2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoyl-CoA
Glossary: (R)-2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoate = D-leucate
4-methylpentanoate = isocaproate
Other name(s): hadA (gene name)
Systematic name: 4-methylpentanoyl-CoA:(R)-2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoate CoA-transferase
Comments: The enzyme, characterized from the bacterium Peptoclostridium difficile, participates in an L-leucine fermentation pathway. The reaction proceeds via formation of a covalent anhydride intermediate between a conserved aspartate residue and the acyl group of the CoA thioester substrate.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:
1. Kim, J., Darley, D., Selmer, T. and Buckel, W. Characterization of (R)-2-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase and a family III coenzyme A transferase involved in reduction of L-leucine to isocaproate by Clostridium difficile. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72 (2006) 6062-6069. [PMID: 16957230]