Reaction: A wax ester + H2O = a long-chain alcohol + a long-chain carboxylate
Other name(s): jojoba wax esterase; WEH
Systematic name: wax-ester acylhydrolase
Comments: Also acts on long-chain acylglycerol, but not diacyl- or triacylglycerols.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, CAS registry number: 66625-78-3
1. Huang, A.H.C., Moreau, R.A. and Liu, K.D.F. Development and properties of a wax ester hydrolase in the cotyledons of jojoba seedlings. Plant Physiol. 61 (1978) 339-341.
2. Moreau, R.A. and Huang, A.H.C. Enzymes of wax ester catabolism in jojoba. Methods Enzymol. 71 (1981) 804-813.