Reaction: 3-hydroxy-2-methylpropanoyl-CoA + H2O = CoA + 3-hydroxy-2-methylpropanoate
Other name(s): 3-hydroxy-isobutyryl CoA hydrolase; HIB CoA deacylase
Systematic name: 3-hydroxy-2-methylpropanoyl-CoA hydrolase
Comments: Also hydrolyses 3-hydroxypropanoyl-CoA.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 9025-88-1
1. Rendina, G. and Coon, M.J. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the coenzyme A thiol esters of β-hydroxypropionic and β-hydroxyisobutyric acids. J. Biol. Chem. 225 (1957) 523-534.