Reaction: (R)-vicianin + H2O = mandelonitrile + vicianose
Other name(s): vicianin hydrolase
Systematic name: (R)-vicianin β-D-glucohydrolase
Comments: Also hydrolyses, more slowly, (R)-amygdalin and (R)-prunasin, but not gentiobiose, linamarin or cellobiose.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, CAS registry number: 91608-93-4
1. Kuroki, G., Lizotte, P.A. and Poulton, J.E. Catabolism of (R)-amygdalin and (R-viscianin by partially purified β-Glycosidases from Prunus serotina Ehrh and Davallia trichomanoides. Z. Natursforsch. C: Biosci. 39 (1984) 232-239.