IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: mannosylglycerate hydrolase

Reaction: 2-O-(α-D-mannopyranosyl)-D-glycerate + H2O = D-mannopyranose + D-glycerate

Other name(s): MgH

Systematic name: 2-O-(α-D-mannopyranosyl)-D-glycerate D-mannohydrolase

Comments: The enzyme occurs in thermophilic bacteria and has been characterized in Thermus thermophilus and Rubrobacter radiotolerans. It also has been identified in the moss Selaginella moellendorffii.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:


1. Alarico, S., Empadinhas, N. and da Costa, M.S. A new bacterial hydrolase specific for the compatible solutes α-D-mannopyranosyl-(1→2)-D-glycerate and α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-D-glycerate. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 52 (2013) 77-83. [PMID: 23273275]

2. Nobre, A., Empadinhas, N., Nobre, M.F., Lourenco, E.C., Maycock, C., Ventura, M.R., Mingote, A. and da Costa, M.S. The plant Selaginella moellendorffii possesses enzymes for synthesis and hydrolysis of the compatible solutes mannosylglycerate and glucosylglycerate. Planta 237 (2013) 891-901. [PMID: 23179444]

[EC created 2011, modified 2018]

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