IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase

Reaction: Release of any N-terminal amino acid, including proline, that is linked to proline, even from a dipeptide or tripeptide

Other names: proline aminopeptidase; aminopeptidase P; aminoacylproline aminopeptidase; X-Pro aminopeptidase

Comments: A Mn2+-dependent, generally membrane-bound enzyme present in both mammalian and bacterial cells. In peptidase family M24 (methionyl aminopeptidase family)

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MEROPS, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 37288-66-7


1. Yaron, A. and Mlynar, D. Aminopeptidase-P. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 32 (1968) 658-663. [PMID: 4878817]

2. Yaron, A. and Berger, A. Aminopeptidase-P. Methods Enzymol. 19 (1970) 522-534

3. Fleminger, G., Carmel, A. and Yaron, A. Fluorogenic substrates for bacterial aminopeptidase P and its analogs detected in human serum and calf lung. Eur. J. Biochem. 125 (1982) 609-615. [PMID: 6749499]

4. Orawski, A.T., Susz, J.P. and Simmons, W.H. Aminopeptidase-P from bovine lung - solubilization, properties, potential role in bradykinin degradation. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 75 (1987) 123-132. [PMID: 3627107]

5. Hooper, N.M., Hryszko, J. and Turner, A.J. Purification and characterization of pig kidney aminopeptidase P. Biochem. J. 267 (1990) 509-515. [PMID: 2139778]

[EC created 1972]

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