Reaction: Hydrolysis of proteins. Preferential cleavage: Leu in small molecule substrates
Other names: plant Leu-proteinase; leucine-specific serine proteinase; leucine endopeptidase; spinach serine proteinase (leucine specific); spinach leucine-specific serine proteinase; Leu-proteinase
Comments: From leaves of the spinach plant (Spinacia oleracea)
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MEROPS, Metacyc, CAS registry number: 136396-22-0
1. Aducci, P., Ascenzi, P., Pierini, M. and Ballio, A. Purification and characterization of Leu-proteinase, the leucine specific serine proteinase from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves. Plant Physiol. 81 (1986) 812-816
2. Aducci, P., Ascenzi, P. and Ballio, A. Esterolytic properties of leucine-proteinase, the leucine-specific serine proteinase from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Plant Physiol. 82 (1986) 591-593