Reaction: Specific cleavage of ArgIle bond in Factor X to form Factor Xa
Comments: Apparently produced only by malignant and fetal cells
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MEROPS, Metacyc, CAS registry number: 109456-80-6
1. Falanga, A. and Gordon, S.G. Isolation and characterization of cancer procoagulant: a cysteine proteinase from malignant tissue. Biochemistry 24 (1985) 5558-5567. [PMID: 3935163]
2. Falanga, A., Shaw, E., Donati, M.B., Consonni, R., Barbui, T. and Gordon, S. Inhibition of cancer procoagulant by peptidyl diazomethyl ketones and peptidyl sulfonium salts. Thromb. Res. 54 (1989) 389-398. [PMID: 2772865]