Reaction: Preferential cleavage: hydrophobic, preferably aromatic, residues in P1 and P1' positions. Cleaves Phe1Val, Gln4
His, Glu13
Ala, Ala14
Leu, Leu15
Tyr, Tyr16
Leu, Gly23
Phe, Phe24
Phe and Phe25
Tyr bonds in the B chain of insulin
Other names: pepsin; lactated pepsin; pepsin fortior; fundus-pepsin; elixir lactate of pepsin; P I; lactated pepsin elixir; P II; pepsin R; pepsin D
Comments: The predominant endopeptidase in the gastric juice of vertebrates, formed from pepsinogen A by limited proteolysis. Human pepsin A occurs in five molecular forms. Pig pepsin D [1,2] is unphosphorylated pepsin A. Type example of peptidase family A1. Formerly EC
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, GTD, MEROPS, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 9001-75-6
1. Lee, D. and Ryle, A.P. Pepsinogen D. A fourth proteolytic zymogen from pig gastric mucosa. Biochem. J. 104 (1967) 735-741. [PMID: 4167464]
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