IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: preflagellin peptidase

Reaction: Cleaves the signal peptide of 3 to 12 amino acids from the N-terminal of preflagellin, usually at Arg-Gly or Lys-Gly, to release flagellin.

Other name(s): FlaK

Comments: An aspartic peptidase from Archaea but not bacteria. In peptidase family A24 (type IV prepilin peptidase family).

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MEROPS, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number:


1. Bardy, S.L. and Jarrell, K.F. FlaK of the archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis possesses preflagellin peptidase activity. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 208 (2002) 53-59. [PMID: 11934494]

2. Ng, S.Y., VanDyke, D.J., Chaban, B., Wu, J., Nosaka, Y., Aizawa, S. and Jarrell, K.F. Different minimal signal peptide lengths recognized by the archaeal prepilin-like peptidases FlaK and PibD. J. Bacteriol. 191 (2009) 6732-6740. [PMID: 19717585]

3. Hu, J., Xue, Y., Lee, S. and Ha, Y. The crystal structure of GXGD membrane protease FlaK. Nature 475 (2011) 528-531. [PMID: 21765428]

[EC created 2011]

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