Reaction: Endopeptidase activity. Activates progelatinase A by cleavage of the propeptide at Asn37Leu. Other bonds hydrolysed include Gly35
Ile in the propeptide of collagenase 3, and Asn341
Phe, Asp441
Leu and Gln354
Thr in the aggrecan interglobular domain
Other name(s): matrix metalloproteinase 14
Comments: In peptidase family M10, but, unlike most members of the family, is membrane-anchored. Believed to play an important role in the activation of progelatinase A at cell surfaces.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MEROPS, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 161384-17-4
1. Itoh, Y., Takamura, A., Ito, N., Maru, Y., Sato, H., Suenaga, N., Aoki, T. and Seiki, M. Homophilic complex formation of MT1-MMP facilitates proMMP-2 activation on the cell surface and promotes tumor cell invasion. EMBO J. 20 (2001) 4782-4793. [PMID: 11532942]
[EC created 2003]