Reaction: L-tryptophanamide + H2O = L-tryptophan + NH3
Other name(s): tryptophan aminopeptidase; L-tryptophan aminopeptidase
Systematic name: L-tryptophanamide amidohydrolase
Comments: Requires Mn2+. Also acts on N-ethylformamide and L-tyrosinamide, and on some tryptophan dipeptides.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, CAS registry number: 76689-19-5
1. Iwayama, A., Kimura, T., Adachi, O. and Ameyama, M. Crystallization and characterization of a novel aminopeptidase from Trichosporon cutaneum. Agric. Biol. Chem. 47 (1983) 2483-2493.