Reaction: N-acetylputrescine + H2O = acetate + putrescine
Glossary: spermidine
Systematic name: N-acetylputrescine acetylhydrolase
Comments: The enzyme from Micrococcus luteus also acts on N8-acetylspermidine and acetylcadaverine, but more slowly.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number: 103679-48-7
1. Suzuki, O., Ishikawa, Y., Miyazaki, K., Izu, K. and Matsumoto, T. Acetylputrescine deacetylase from Micrococcus luteus K-11. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 882 (1986) 140-142.