IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: Δ3,52,4-dienoyl-CoA isomerase

Reaction: a (3E,5Z)-alka-3,5-dienoyl-CoA = a (2E,4E)-alka-2,4-dienoyl-CoA

Other name(s): 3,5-tetradecadienoyl-CoA isomerase; DCI1 (gene name)

Systematic name: (3E,5Z)-alka-3,5-dienoyl-CoA Δ3,52,4 isomerase

Comments: The enzyme participates in an alternative degradation route of fatty acids with cis-double bonds on odd-number carbons such as oleate and linoleate. The main physiological substrate is (3E,5Z)-tetradeca-3,5-dienoyl-CoA, but other (3E,5Z)-dienoyl-CoAs with varying carbon chain lengths are also substrates.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:


1. Filppula, S.A., Yagi, A.I., Kilpelainen, S.H., Novikov, D., FitzPatrick, D.R., Vihinen, M., Valle, D. and Hiltunen, J.K. Δ3,52,4-dienoyl-CoA isomerase from rat liver. Molecular characterization. J. Biol. Chem. 273 (1998) 349-355. [PMID: 9417087]

2. Modis, Y., Filppula, S.A., Novikov, D.K., Norledge, B., Hiltunen, J.K. and Wierenga, R.K. The crystal structure of dienoyl-CoA isomerase at 1.5 Å resolution reveals the importance of aspartate and glutamate sidechains for catalysis. Structure 6 (1998) 957-970. [PMID: 9739087]

3. Geisbrecht, B.V., Schulz, K., Nau, K., Geraghty, M.T., Schulz, H., Erdmann, R. and Gould, S.J. Preliminary characterization of Yor180Cp: identification of a novel peroxisomal protein of saccharomyces cerevisiae involved in fatty acid metabolism. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 260 (1999) 28-34. [PMID: 10381339]

4. Gurvitz, A., Mursula, A.M., Yagi, A.I., Hartig, A., Ruis, H., Rottensteiner, H. and Hiltunen, J.K. Alternatives to the isomerase-dependent pathway for the β-oxidation of oleic acid are dispensable in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Identification of YOR180c/DCI1 encoding peroxisomal Δ(3,5)-Δ(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase. J. Biol. Chem. 274 (1999) 24514-24521. [PMID: 10455114]

5. Zhang, D., Liang, X., He, X.Y., Alipui, O.D., Yang, S.Y. and Schulz, H. Δ3,52,4-dienoyl-CoA isomerase is a multifunctional isomerase. A structural and mechanistic study. J. Biol. Chem. 276 (2001) 13622-13627. [PMID: 11278886]

6. Goepfert, S., Vidoudez, C., Rezzonico, E., Hiltunen, J.K. and Poirier, Y. Molecular identification and characterization of the Arabidopsis Δ3,52,4-dienoyl-coenzyme A isomerase, a peroxisomal enzyme participating in the β-oxidation cycle of unsaturated fatty acids. Plant Physiol. 138 (2005) 1947-1956. [PMID: 16040662]

[EC created 2018]

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