IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: tRNAmet cytidine acetate ligase

Reaction: ATP + [elongator tRNAMet]-cytidine34 + acetate = AMP + diphosphate + [elongator tRNAMet]-N4-acetylcytidine34 (overall reaction)
(1a) ATP + acetate = acetyladenylate + diphosphate
(1b) acetyladenylate + [elongator tRNAMet]-cytidine34 = AMP + [elongator tRNAMet]-N4-acetylcytidine34

Other name(s): tmcAL (gene name)

Systematic name: elongator tRNAmet cytidine:acetate ligase (AMP-forming)

Comments: The enzyme, charactrized from the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, catalyses a similar tRNA modification to that performed by EC, tRNAMet cytidine acetyltransferase. However, unlike that enzyme, which uses acetyl-CoA as the acetyl donor, this enzyme activates an acetate ion to form acetyladenylate and then catalyses the acetylation through a mechanism similar to tRNA aminoacylation.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, CAS registry number:


1. Taniguchi, T., Miyauchi, K., Sakaguchi, Y., Yamashita, S., Soma, A., Tomita, K. and Suzuki, T. Acetate-dependent tRNA acetylation required for decoding fidelity in protein synthesis. Nat. Chem. Biol. 14 (2018) 1010-1020. [PMID: 30150682]

[EC created 2024]

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