Full publication details of all the Newsletters are listed on the Committees bibliographic page. Partial contents of the earlier Newsletters are listed below with links to those entries that have been converted into a web version.
Definitions of some common terms used in the field of enzymology
On the nomenclature of fatty acids
Synthases and synthetases
Ribonuclease classification
Translocases (EC 7): A new EC Class
How to name atoms in phosphates, polyphosphates, their derivatives and mimics, and transition state analogues for enzyme-catalysed phosphoryl transfer reactions (IUPAC Recommendations 2016)
Classification of cytochrome P-450 enzymes by the Enzyme Commission
Archaeal Enzymes
Fatty acid desaturases
Accepted nameOther nomenclature recommendations
Partial EC numbers
New portal for submission of new enzymes and corrections
Use of gene symbols for gene productsIUPAC publications of interest to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Guidelines for naming proteins
Lipid classification
Metabolic charts
Symbolism for Di-substituted Amino-Acid Residues
Recommendations now on the web
Diagrams and metabolic schemesBioinformatics
Approval and incorporation of New Enzymes
New subclasses and sub-subclasses
An alternative to the term "Recommended name"
ATPases and GTPases
Inter-Union Bioinformatics groupBiochemical nomenclature
Databases that use EC numbers and recommended nomenclature
Diphosphate, pyrophosphateMembrane transport proteins
Formimino- an ambiguous term
A or B, Si or Re specificity for NAD+ and NADP+
Oxidized glutathione and other disulfides
Glycated proteinsStandard reference frame for the description of nucleic acid base-pair geometry
Recent PublicationsWeb sources for nomenclature recommendations
1. Ribosomal proteinsOther Recommendations
2. The Gene Family database, GFdb, Mendel-ESTS and Mendel
Nomenclature of Translation FactorsGeneral
Presentation of NMR structures of proteins and nucleic acids
Vitamin A and retinoidsJCBN and NC-IUBMB on the World Wide Web
Nomenclature of carbohydrates. Recommendations 1996
Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans
The use of 'biochemical equations'
Development of the Enzyme List
Naming proteins: The Swiss-Prot data bank
Terminology in immunologyCurrent and future activities
Allergen nomenclature
Receptor nomenclature
Partial Contents:
N-glycan/N-linked (Compendium p 89);
meaning of ligand, ligation, ligated (Compendium p 335);
pronunciation of pregn-4-ene;
numbering of steroid-side-chain atoms (Compendium p 335).
Partial Contents:
Anhydroaspartic residues;
names for hydrogen species (Compendium p 30);
structure formed by elimination of water between a-carboxyl group and an
-NH group (Compendium p 68);
designation of the two strands of DNA, coding and non-coding (Compendium p 334);
meaning of homology and homologous (Compendium p 334).
Partial Contents:
What is rDNA ? (Compendium p 334);
chitobiose (Compendium p 334).
Partial Contents:
Selenium in amino acids and peptides (Compendium p 69);
use of the prefix 'seco-' in partially hydrolysed peptides (Compendium p 69);
shortened representation of oligosaccaride chains (Compendium p 173);
Partial Contents:
Interferon nomenclature (Compendium p 333);
amide derivatives of amino acids and peptides (Compendium p 68)
hyphens in nucleic acid sequences (Compendium p 114)
representative phospholipids involving diesterified phosphoric acid (Compendium p 265).
Partial Contents:
Highlights from items in recommendations on amino acids and peptides (www.qmul.ac.uk/sbcs/iupac/AminoAcid/);
enkephalins (Compendium p 68);
glycation, glycated proteins (Compendium p 333);
synthases and ligases (Compendium p 333);
sialdiase, neuraminidase;
oxygen atom numbering in polynucleotides, nucleic acids (Compendium p 121).
Partial Contents:
Tetrapyrrole formation;
aspartic and cysteine proteinases;
replacement of -CHOH- by -CO-, dehydro, oxo, keto;
enzymes of teichoic acid synthesis;
enzymes of polyamine synthesis, spermine, spermidine, aminopropyl group;
residues in proteins as enzyme substrates;
the 1-carboxyvinyl group (enolpyruvyl);
oxidation products of cysteine and methionine, cysteic acid, sulfinic acid, sulfenic acid, sulfone, sulfoxide, sulfinoalanine.
Partial Contents:
Ionic forms of amino-acid residues;
numbering of atoms in histidine;
rate of conversion (Compendium p 106);
parentheses and square brackets in chemical formulae (Compendium p 331);
prealbumin becomes transthyretin (Compendium p 331);
masses of moles (Compendium p 332);
what is a lectin ? (definition) (Compendium p 332).
Partial Contents:
Isotopically substituted compounds (substituted, labelled) (see also www.qmul.ac.uk/sbcs/iupac/sectionH/) (Compendium p 29-30);
derivatives of phosphatidic acid (Compendium p 191);
comments on the nomenclature of phosphorus-containing compounds (Compendium p 265);
symbols for kinetics, rate of reaction (see https://iubmb.qmul.ac.uk/kinetics/).
Other useful links:
Biochemical Nomenclature Committees home page