IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: oleate 10S-lipoxygenase

Reaction: (1) oleate + O2 = (8E,10S)-10-hydroperoxyoctadeca-8-enoate
(2) linoleate + O2 = (8E,10S,12Z)-10-hydroperoxyoctadeca-8,12-dienoate
(3) α-linolenate + O2 = (8E,10S,12Z,15Z)-10-hydroperoxyoctadeca-8,12,15-trienoate

Other name(s): 10S-DOX; (10S)-dioxygenase; 10S-dioxygenase

Systematic name: oleate:oxygen (10S)-oxidoreductase

Comments: Binds Fe2+. The enzyme isolated from the bacterium Pseudomonas sp. 42A2 has similar activity with all the three Δ9 fatty acids. cf. EC, linoleate 10R-lipoxygenase.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number:


1. Busquets, M., Deroncele, V., Vidal-Mas, J., Rodriguez, E., Guerrero, A. and Manresa, A. Isolation and characterization of a lipoxygenase from Pseudomonas 42A2 responsible for the biotransformation of oleic acid into (S)-(E)-10-hydroxy-8-octadecenoic acid. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 85 (2004) 129-139. [PMID: 15028873]

[EC created 2013]

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