IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature


Accepted name: undecaprenyl phosphate N,N'-diacetylbacillosamine 1-phosphate transferase

Reaction: UDP-N,N'-diacetylbacillosamine + tritrans,heptacis-undecaprenyl phosphate = UMP + N,N'-diacetyl-α-D-bacillosaminyl-diphospho-tritrans,heptacis-undecaprenol

For diagram of reaction click here.

Glossary: UDP-N,N'-diacetylbacillosamine = UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-α-D-glucopyranose

Other name(s): PglC

Systematic name: UDP-N,N'-diacetylbacillosamine:tritrans,heptacis-undecaprenyl-phosphate N,N'-diacetylbacillosamine transferase

Comments: Isolated from Campylobacter jejuni. Part of a bacterial N-linked glycosylation pathway.

Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, Metacyc, PDB, CAS registry number:


1. Glover, K.J., Weerapana, E., Chen, M.M. and Imperiali, B. Direct biochemical evidence for the utilization of UDP-bacillosamine by PglC, an essential glycosyl-1-phosphate transferase in the Campylobacter jejuni N-linked glycosylation pathway. Biochemistry 45 (2006) 5343-5350. [PMID: 16618123]

[EC created 2012]

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