Reaction: ATP + amicoumacin A = ADP + amicoumacin A 2-phosphate
Other name(s): amiN (gene name); yerI (gene name)
Systematic name: ATP:amicoumacin A 2-phosphotransferase
Comments: The enzyme, found in some bacterial species, inactivates the antibiotic amicoumacin A by phosphorylating it, conferring resistance on the bacteria.
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MetaCyc, PDB, CAS registry number:
1. Terekhov, S.S., Smirnov, I.V., Malakhova, M.V., Samoilov, A.E., Manolov, A.I., Nazarov, A.S., Danilov, D.V., Dubiley, S.A., Osterman, I.A., Rubtsova, M.P., Kostryukova, E.S., Ziganshin, R.H., Kornienko, M.A., Vanyushkina, A.A., Bukato, O.N., Ilina, E.N., Vlasov, V.V., Severinov, K.V., Gabibov, A.G. and Altman, S. Ultrahigh-throughput functional profiling of microbiota communities. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 115 (2018) 9551-9556. [PMID: 30181282]