Reaction: Cleavage of Asn3Gln, His5
Leu, His10
Leu, Ala14
Leu and Tyr16
Leu in insulin B chain; removes C-terminal Leu from small peptides
Other names: Crotalus atrox metalloendopeptidase a; hemorrhagic toxin a; Crotalus atrox α-proteinase; Crotalus atrox proteinase; bothropasin
Comments: A hemorrhagic endopeptidase of 68 kDa, one of six hemorrhagic toxins in the venom of western diamondback rattlesnake. The 60 kDa hemorrhagic toxin 1 of Crotalus ruber ruber shows identical specificity [2]. In peptidase family M12 (astacin family). Related metalloendopeptidases from rattlesnake venoms are EC (atrolysin B), EC (atrolysin C), EC (atroxase), EC (atrolysin E), EC (atrolysin F), EC (adamalysin), EC (horrilysin), and EC (ruberlysin)
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, KEGG, MEROPS, Metacyc, CAS registry number: 37288-82-7
1. Bjarnason, J.B. and Tu, A.T. Hemorrhagic toxins from western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) venom: isolation and characterization of five toxins and the role of zinc in hemorrhagic toxin e. Biochemistry 17 (1978) 3395-3404. [PMID: 210790]
2. Mori, N., Nikai, T., Sugihara, H. and Tu, A.T. Biochemical characterization of hemorrhagic toxins with fibrinogenase activity isolated from Crotalus ruber ruber venom. Arch. Biochem. Biophys .253 (1987) 108-121. [PMID: 2949699]
3. Bjarnason, J.B., Hamilton, D. and Fox, J.W. Studies on the mechanism of hemorrhage production by five proteolytic hemorrhagic toxins from Crotalus atrox venom. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 369 (1988) 121-129. [PMID: 3060135]
4. Bjarnason, J.B. and Fox, J.W. Hemorrhagic toxins from snake venoms. J. Toxicol. Toxin Rev.7 (1989) 121-209